Help Musicians’ Fusion Fund

Absolutely over the moon to have been one of eleven chosen to receive funding through Help Musicians Fusion Fund.

At a time where the pandemic seems to have put rest to my work as both a live sound engineer and performing musician for the foreseeable, I cannot express how much this means to me. With the future so uncertain, I’ve been struggling at times to see a way forward. I miss my old life, but I’m excited to see where this opportunity leads.

Have been working with digital artist and PhD researcher Rob Eagle, who I previously composed music for on Through the Wardrobe, to develop a Kinect based immersive visual-music installation called The Veldt, which we will exhibiting in 2021.

As with live performance, headset based installations are clearly going to be difficult for a while. The Veldt will generate an individual music composition based on the viewer’s image, then combine it with others to generate a group photo-symphony. The experience will bring together music, interactive art and spatial audio design to create a shared music experience, free from the constraints of social distancing.

For more information, please see